"Life's a Garden, Dig it!"

Friday, December 11, 2009

Critique of "It's About Time"

After reading Owen's post I came up with this critique of "It's About Time"

Owen, I agree with your idea that military should handle military based operations when it comes to war. But, we have seen what happens when we let military take over operations, example Guantanimo Bay prison. I wish that politicians were involved in the war for the betterment of bringing troops back home, but that just isn't the case. There is too much to gain from helping Afghanistan (oil) and money talks. But as far as military personnel handling the good majority of decisions when it comes to combat I agree because they know what it takes to win wars.

I have to say though, I hate the idea of Obama sending more troops. Wasn't his campaign about bringing them home? I feel that the U.S has lost track of finding Osama bin Ladin, and is focused more on helping set up Afghanistan in the likeness of the U.S.

And your comment about how many are seeing this war as the next Vietnam is plausible I think. I mean look how much effort has been put into the war and what have we really accomplished except the loss of many Americans. I agree that I wish the job needs to get done, but how much more can we do if a country's leaders are ready to change but they're people aren't. We need to let countries handle their own business and not stick our noses where we have no business being. We need to focus on problems that are affecting our own country. But overall I liked your post. You presented the information in a manner that your position was clear and it was clear who you were addressing it towards. Good Job!

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