"Life's a Garden, Dig it!"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

For the 6th entry to my blog I read the article The People Need Socialism by Much Ado about Government (Henry).

I completely agree. It is rediculous the amount of money that people get paid for their "skills." Skills that don't benefit the country yet are paid to these athletes in the millions. A semi-socialist country would be a great idea to spread the wealth around for everyone. There should be no need for poverty if everyone is able to earn a decent living and not living under the weight of earning their paycheck and watching a large portion disappear to taxes. It is pretty sad that we are considered a model country yet we don't have the health care, or eduction to back it up.

Overall, it was a very good and interesting blog. I feel that you addressed key points to prove your point and provided sufficient explanation.

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