"Life's a Garden, Dig it!"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Feds plan to spend millions on remote Montana border posts

When it comes to things of importance in the United States one would hope that since we're already in such a deficit money wise, the government would be a little more selective when spending money. So when I read that the government is planning to spend $31 million to simply upgrade two border crossings, I thought to myself..."man I love being in debt, our roads have never looked so good!" The border that they plan to "fix" is located in a remote area between Montana and Canada. What is the importance of fixing a border that approximately on 22 cars pass through per day? Its topics like these that make me wonder what priorities congress has. I wonder if this border will be completely "green?" All recycled supplies and run with solar energy???

If you'd like to read the rest of this article, I've included the link:

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